Training Wheels

Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and at just the right time He will exalt you. – 1 Peter 5:6

But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, patient, filled with unfailing love and faithfulness – Psalm 86:15

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task anew – Francis de Sales

God will use my relationship and experiences with my children to teach me about His character and His never ceasing love for me.

One instance was years ago teaching my oldest girl to ride her bike without her training wheels. It was time. She was more than ready and was too old to be riding with training wheels still. It was hard in her frustration and anger at herself and to me for having to do it; over and over awkwardly and falling. We would try another day. I cannot try to explain to her when she is falling and going nowhere on the bike that she will get it and will be so joyous when she is taking off and flying down the street on her own. But I continued to encourage her and guided her with one hand on the back of her seat and the other on the handle bars (that she started yelling “don’t let go!”) But as we go I can sense the right time to take my hand off and just run next to her. When she sees that she is doing it herself, she breaks out in joy!

She gains confidence in herself for achieving.

 A stepping stone of life.


Is God trying to take the training wheels off in an area in your life?

It is when you grow in faith in what you don’t see more and more. That you trust Him even more and with that growing faith you step boldly into His increased call in your life.


God’s timing is perfect. I knew that it was time for my daughter to take the training wheels off. I wasn’t letting her ride alone by herself. I was still riding next to her but she was learning to balance the bike herself than using the training wheels.

God is patient – I knew that in time she would be able to do it. It was just a matter of time therefore we kept working on it. God is patient with you; continually working on you.

It’s how you grow. Could you imagine being 20, 30, 40+ years old riding a bike with training wheels? Of course not. It is an analogy, though, of all aspects of our lives. We have to grow up.

It empowered her even though at first she was uncertain and a little afraid. But how great the reward!

He is still right beside you, never leaving you.

Is there an area in your life that God is calling you to strip the training wheels and grow in your spiritual maturity?

Intentionally, today….and everyday…take off the training wheels


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