Monthly Archives: December 2012




 “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others”  – Proverbs 12:15


One of the funniest sitcoms was Home Improvement.  Tim the Tool Man! Tim was the life of the party.  His wife, his kids, side kick Al and all the people on the set loved him.  They all listened to him and followed his lead.

If you noticed, though, on the show was where Tim went when he needed sound advice.  He didn’t go to his buddy Al.  Not Tool Girl. Or to any other friends.  He went to Wilson.

Wilson was his neighbor who was always on the other side of the fence. You didn’t see him anywhere else.  He wasn’t down on the set hanging out like everyone else. Never saw him at Tim’s house kickin it w/ all his buddies.  It was very symbolic that you didn’t see any of his face below his nose. A profound statement.  You didn’t need to.

See, Tim needed a mature unbiased opinion.  He held Wilson in high regard.  He knew that he would tell it to him straight.  Wilson didn’t worry about offending Tim if need be.  He wasn’t worried about not being invited to the next bbq @ Tim’s.

AND that is exactly what Tim needed.  Wilson was in 80% of the Home Improvement episodes.

4 out of every 5 episodes Tim needed serious guidance.  As much as Tim liked to think he knew what to do he was wise enough to listen to someone he needed to listen to.


How about you?  YOU GOT WILSON?


Not your buddy or girlfriend/boyfriend. Husband/wife. Not your over opinionated/ always right sister/brother/mother/cousin/ best friend.


No – do you have someone outside your click/ your peer group – who is objective and not subjective?  Not emotionally tied?


Do you have a mentor?  Someone more mature, more wiser than you that has integrity and can mentor you?


If you do not, ask God to open your eyes, to who that person is and keep them open.  Because, it could come from someone you least expect or just meet.


Intentionally, today,  Ask God for …..your Wilson





Be a Loser

“Give freely and become more wealthy;

Be stingy and lose everything  – Proverbs 11:24


First – define wealthy. We live in a culture completely absorbed with money and possessions.  We measure ourselves against others around us and in that we define ourselves wealthy or not.


In my favorite movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey put his big business, world industry innovator, entrepreneur dreams on hold to run his late father’s measly little building and loan. (George’s own worlds) He gave to people who were in need continually when they were in such tight spots, even at the sacrifice of himself and his family.  He saw the stingy rich old man Mr.Potter getting richer and richer as he held tight all his coin.  Potter mocked George for helping all those down and out people who could never pay him back.  When George’s uncle lost money on his way to the bank to make a deposit George was in ruin. Bank examiners came after him, Potter came after him.  The police came after him.  George believed he had a horrible life.  He had nothing but an insurance policy.  He was worth, in his own eyes, more dead than alive.


What George didn’t realize is that so many people thought so highly of him and all that he did for so many.  He gave and gave, until he had nothing.  His perspective was greatly skewed by his circumstance.


What happened at the end is everyone came to his rescue and told him how much “if it wasn’t for him”. “No man who has friends is a failure”

@ the end his brother Harry gave a toast, “To my brother George. The richest man in town!”


How do you define wealth?


Are you wealthy?  Can you freely give away the things that the world say is wealth?  And in turn grow in the wealth God considers?


Jesus says that he that loses his life will save it.  He that tries to keep his life will lose it.” – Luke 17:33


So – our thinking in our culture is upside down to what God defines wealth.


I saw what God defines wealth in Haiti. The wealth of joy in children who didn’t have material things but had joy.  Godly joy and happiness. Friendship. They seemed to understand what we have been blinded to. God knows your struggles and your hurts and worries.  But He is greater than all of that and therefore in the midst of circumstances you can have wealth; His peace and joy.


The wealth of life.


 Intentionally, today,  consider what you hold on to.  What does it do to your heart; to your joy, your peace?  What if you trusted God and freely gave when someone needed and just trusted God that He would take care of you?


Be a Loser, today