Monthly Archives: April 2023

Sow And Invest

The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth.  They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.


It is the same with the word.  I send it out, and it always produces fruit.  It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.                       – Isaiah 55:10-11

Sow and reap

Cause and effect

You are what you eat

Every action – reaction

Input / output

Think about what you sow into your very being each day.

Which are not needed or excessive? Junk food, alcohol, tv, negative talk, worry, anger, gossip, internet

Which do you not sow enough of? Healthy food, exercise, reading, positive words, goodwill, love, peace

You are planting seeds each day which take root and produce fruit.  Good and bad.  It continues to shape you.  Continues to steer your thoughts, belief, faith, ingenuity, attitude, perceptions, outlook, desires

We want to have more desirable outcomes in our lives but continue to sow the same seeds. We tend to think that the undesirable habits we have don’t really have that much of a consequence on our lives.  We can falsely believe that a lot of our life is out of our control and is just happenstance.  And “it is what it is”

Mostly, it is the days, weeks, months, years of sowing and investing these into our lives and have shaped us to who we are now.  And, in that, it shapes our perceptions – which direct our words, actions and decisions. – which create our consequences. Creates our Shape

Take inventory of yourself.

In that what you can control – what do you need to add or have more of?  What do you need to eliminate or have less of?

Physically, spiritually and mentally

Write it down. Keep in front of you.

The most important add, or have more of, is the one that will impact all the rest.  It is being more in His word.  That is what the enemy will keep you from more than anything in your life.  Why?  The scripture above, Isaiah 55:10-11.  Your enemy knows that it will have to have a great influence on you. It can’t return to God void. The Word is the great impact on all the others that shape you.

The word of God is alive and powerful – Hebrews 4:12


Intentionally, today……and every day…. Sow and  invest – that which will reap a strong godly harvest within.

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Take Ownership

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5


When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child.  But when I grew up, I put away childish things. – 1 Corinthians 13:11


My 8 year old has been complaining lately that she is afraid of the dark.

It’s interesting that as a baby, as a toddler, she never said anything about it being dark in her room.  When she was a baby we would have her sleep, as well as we did with her sisters, with the door shut.  Now the door is wide open. Light comes in from the living room.  She has big ole night lite.  Why the change?

Because now she has been exposed to, and hears of, scary make believe things, mostly from TV but also from other kids.

Scary, make believe….becomes real.

Advertising agencies spend billions of dollars a year researching how to effectively get in your mind; how to manipulate your thinking to get you to reason that you need what they are offering.

 To get you to think a certain way.

To reason a certain way.

To speak and make decisions a certain way.

Translation – To be dumbed down and to not think and reason on your own.

It works.  If it didn’t, the companies who pour millions of dollars into these agencies and would of ceased doing so long ago if it didn’t.

Some of us are very careful in screening our phone calls.  How about what you expose to your thoughts?

Are mind is the most powerful thing ever created.  More powerful than any computer ever made.  Do you protect it?  Does it ever occur to you to be extremely careful in what you are putting into it?  Or have you been deceived in thinking that you know what isn’t real or true and therefore you can watch and listen to it and be able to put it aside and not have it adversely affect you?

Your behavior and attitude; your ability to focus and make the right decision is greatly formed by your mind set.  We will act on a believe, whether constructive or destructive, not based on whether it will be good for us or not, but by how our mind has been cultivated in processing what we have taken on over time.

That’s why we think –

“How could of this of happened?”

“How did I let this happen?”

“What was I thinking?”

“I feel so dumb. How could I have not seen this coming?”

“Why did I think it would have not happened this way?”

“Well, I believe this because…..”

“I’m so foolish for thinking I would or it would…..”

“What was I thinking?!”

Exactly – what ARE you thinking?

Be honest with yourself – what are you allowing yourself to be exposed to in the name of entertainment, curiosity, good conversation?

In order to be transformed by the renewing of our mind we must discipline ourselves to intentionally avoid and ignore all the pollution that we have the power to turn off, turn away from.

We must discipline ourselves to feed ourselves that which is good, positive, empowering, enriching.  We must eat a ton of vegetables and fruit for a strong healthy mind.  That our clean constructive mind set can make vastly different, better, more excellent paths for the words that come out of our mouths and the decisions that come from our mind.


Intentionally, today……and every day…. Take ownership of what gets into your mind

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Keep Building!

As Nehemiah and the Israelites began to rebuild the wall their foes came and mocked them. “What does this bunch of poor, feeble Jews think they’re doing?  Do they actually think they can make something of stones from a rubbish heap- and charred ones at that?!”

Tobiah the Ammonite, who was standing besides remarked, “That stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it!”

And even some of the Jews themselves complained, “The workers are getting tired, and there is so much rubble to be removed.  We will never be able to build the walls by ourselves.” – Nehemiah 4:1-3


From both outside and inside.  Nehemiah had to be just so disheartened.  He must have just wanted to give up.  Feeling hopeless and even probably a little angry.

What in your life are you trying to build?  Is it something all together new? Or is it like the Israelites who are trying to rebuild something that once was and then was destroyed.


Are you hearing the voices?  Both real and imaginative; from inside and out?

Do you ever doubt God?  How about doubting yourself?

God had put this burn in Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild the wall – restore Jerusalem.  Was he mistaken?  Where was God in all of this?  Am I wasting time?  Is this just a pipe dream; foolishness?

NO, Right there, NO and NO

If God has put it in your heart/ and is aligned with His Truth – trust God and keep building.

Don’t let the enemy kill it.  He only has the power to if you let him.

Trust that God sees you and hears your petitions.


Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen

– Hebrews 11:1


It’s impossible to please God without faith.  For anyone that goes to Him must believe that He Is, and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him – Hebrews 11:6


I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13


“Not by your power, and not by your might, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of Heavens armies. – Zechariah 4:6


To the voices and naysayers, and especially to yourself – speak out loud those two scriptures continuously.  Speak Truth.  Believe it.  Live it.


Show your faith by your works – faith without works is dead – James 2:17


Intentionally, today……and every day…. Keep building!

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On The Rock

Anyone who listens to My teachings and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock.


But anyone who hears My teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand.  When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against the house, it will collapse with a mighty crash – Matthew 7:24-27

Matt Long is a firefighter with the FDNY.  In 1996, out of shape, he chose to change his lifestyle.  He began to intentionally eat well and began to run.  Over the next few years he got in really good shape and began to run marathons with a group of firefighters who trained together.  Then a few of them began to train for triathlons.  And at age 39, December 2005, he was training to qualify for the Ironman in Hawaii.  And then…. while riding his bike to work, he was run over by a bus.  Dragged under the bus as the seat frame of the bike ran thru his body one side out the other.  Fractures in his legs and shoulders and a shattered pelvis.  But his biggest problem was his body was a sieve for all the blood pouring out of him.  He was bleeding to death stuck under a bus.

He was given less than 5% to just get thru the first day.

3 years later he ran his first marathon since the accident.  18 months later Matt Long qualified for the Ironman.

Matt Long conditioned his heart and his vital organs to be so strong, vibrant and healthy over the years of eating well and training hard that they knew nothing but to keep performing even without blood.

The doctors who saved his life while operating over 18 hours said that is the only reason why he lived.  And the only reason why he was able to endure through pain and heartache to get back to a point where he struggled, but persevered, is because his mind and body had been conditioned to do so.

How strongly conditioned is your heart?  Your mind?  Most importantly your spirit?

All three are interdependent of one another.

They have to be independently strengthened.

They depend on one another.

God has gifted us with our body, mind and spirit.  We are told to discipline ourselves to keep all three strong and healthy, for the storms come.  Are you building on solid rock? Or shifting sand?

IntentionallyToday……and everyday……. build YOU, all of YOU, on the ROCK

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Wax On

Lean not on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord with all your heart. – Proverbs 3:5


“Daniel – san, again,” said Miyagi, “wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off.”  Gotta love some Karate Kid.

Daniel wanted to learn how to defend himself.  So he went to a master.  He was ready to be a karate expert.  Mess up some dudes.  Feel changed.  Feel strong.  Anticipates the first day.

So what does he get to do first day?

Wax all of Miyagi’s cars.

Daniel-san easily gets irritated, bored and angry.  He wants to learn Karate- not be some servant to some old man.

Daniel gives his grievances and about walks out.

“I promise to teach you.  You promise to learn.  I say, you do.  No questions.”

He continues the repetition of circling one way and then the other, with his hand waxing car.  It makes no sense to him how this is going to help him learn.

“This school sucks, man. Sucks!”


Before Miyagi could teach him the actual technique of Karate he had to get him to be disciplined.  The only thing was that Daniel-san didn’t realize was that during this “torture” he was learning a significant karate defense.  The continual repetition of palms open circling first clockwise then counter clockwise, over and over, was conditioning him to defend. 

He would later learn when someone came at him his natural reflex would be that motion of – wax on, wax off.


Isn’t it the same with us?

We just want to be empowered and be full of wisdom; to have clarity and favor; insight and profound understanding.  We just want God to do stuff for us.


And what does God say?  Read and pray.  Read and pray. Read and pray.  Wax on, wax off; wax on, wax off.

 Keep on, keepin on


Like Daniel-san we just want to ditch this crazy teaching.  We don’t understand how reading what was written 2,000 years ago is going to change us now. We want results now.

But what we will learn is the process will bring the desired results in time. 


Whether we feel like it or not.   Whether we think we have the time or not (YOU don’t, you make the time) Discipline is the most important, and most neglected, key into transforming your living.


Well, because it isn’t fun. We want some physical proof. But when you show obedience God will become more alive to you than ever before.


The Word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than the sharpest two edged sword.  Cutting through both bone and marrow, soul and spirit.  Discerning every though and desire of man.     -Hebrews 4:12


It’s allowing the Word to seep into your very being.  It is a continual process.


Be diligent and steadfast.


Allow it to run its course thru and to you.


…be transformed by the renewing of your mind – Romans 12:2



Intentionally, today……and every day…. wax on, wax off

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Renew Your Thinking

I want to do what is good, but I don’t.  I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. 

I love God’s law with all my heart.  But there is another power working within me that is at war with my mind. – Romans 7:19, 22-23


A man starts his day.  Dressed in a nice new suit; polished shoes; looks sharp.  Walks out the door and looks straight ahead.  2 blocks straight ahead is the building where he works.  He walks ahead and sees a pothole.  He tries to skirt it but his foot slips in.  Scuffs his shoes a touch.  He wipes clean as best he can.  Goes into office- Looks clean, polished, sharp.

Next day, same thing, but pothole is even bigger.  Tries to skirt but slips in. Scuffs his shoes and gets stain in cuff of pants- which has a little tear.  He’s upset and works hard to get cleaned up.

Next day pothole is even bigger.  He is determined to get around the pothole. But, he falls in.  Scuffed shoes, torn and dirty pants.  He just throws his hands up.  Gives up. Just the way it will be. Every day he tries hard to get around pothole.  Every time he comes out he just is resigned to fact he’s a mess.  Deceived.

Becomes normal.  He rationalizes that he can’t get around the pothole so he will just be unclean, unpolished, dull.

But there is nothing he can do it. IT IS WHAT IT IS 

Then God whispers in his ear, “Don’t go straight, make a left out of your building and go around the block instead.”


Conform no longer to the patterns of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Be honest in your evaluation of yourself – Romans 12:2, 3b


Do things differently?……or ……Do different things?


Give some honest thought.  Where do you need to rethink some of your set patterns?  Where do you need to ask God to give you a paradigm shift?


Intentionally, today……and every day….Renew your thinking of what and why that which you do- perhaps you need to start going around the block instead

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For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.  –Romans 1:20


One observation of growing up on the beach is watching people at the beach – especially, early in the morning.  Usually alone. They will just stare out into the ocean.  Many people will go to the beach to think.  Contemplate.  Clear their head.  Look for answers.  Reminisce.

 I am sure people in the mountains do the same things with great mountain views.

I believe that we do this is because we look for, we need, something bigger than ourselves.  Looking out over the vast ocean and seeing the sunrise gives people hope.  Ultimately, though, it is our souls craving something, someone, bigger than ourselves.  We look at spectacular creation but our very spirit sees the creator of the spectacular.

A few weeks ago, surfing before dawn, I saw a woman walking on the beach.  She sat down and then perked up as the sun began to rise.  She seemed to be embracing the moment.  After awhile when I came in she was still there.  She had her head bowed resting on her forearms.

I don’t know exactly about her specifically, but in general.

She represents all of us at some time in our life.  It is at some moment in our life when all our resources, abilities and grit are not enough.  It is when we realize we have no idea nor have a clue how.

We can choose one of two routes.  We can run and consume our lives with that which will keep us from reality or we can sit and be still before Someone bigger than ourselves.

Sitting on the beach we come face to face with a truth.

The creator of the universe, that sun and sea, has a plan for you too.  It is there that we surrender our will and accept His.  He is big enough.

The question is, what in your life do you need to sit on the beach before the (figurative or perhaps literal) enormous ocean as the brilliant sun dawns a new day do you need to surrender?  What is it that you need God to take control of?

He is greater.  He is wiser. Than anything you are dealing with.

Intentionally, today……and every day….surrender where you need surrendering

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GIVE to Receive

You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”   -Acts 20:35  

God has a sense of humor.

God had led me to fast. It always has a great purpose that surely I will benefit from.  However, like most everyone else, I like to eat!  But I was obedient and began fasting.  I wasn’t clear on how long.  On the morning of the second day I had an hour + drive to where I was speaking.  I saw the Chick fil a ahead.  And I began to bargain with God.  It probably wasn’t God, but I justified in my head.  “What? Yes, I can!  Not one, but 2 boxes of hash browns?!  Yes!!”

So I detoured to The Cow and ordered my 2 hash browns and a coffee.  I would enjoy my ride now!  God would enjoy the next couple of minutes.  I pull out of the parking lot and get in the left hand turn lane at the light.  Now, it was definitely God speaking.

“Give the man your hash browns.”

“What man?”  Of course I saw the guy in the median with the cardboard sign.

“One box?”


I gave the guy my bag.  He said, “Thank God.”  I said, “Yup on that.”

I smiled and had such a good day.

A couple reasons why.

First, without a doubt, there is a God!  It certainly wasn’t me telling myself to give what I didn’t want to give.

Second, knowing that I was obedient to the very real God, I knew I was in His will.

Knowing this, and knowing God doesn’t do or allow anything without a purpose to prosper you, I had peace.

We were created to be givers.  The world has corrupted and deceived that truth.

It is giving of self.  Whether it is money, time, smiles, prayer, listening, sharing.

When we develop a habit of being a giver we are showing that we trust God for our own provisions.

Is there an area in your life that you have been ignoring, putting your fingers in your ears humming loudly with eyes closed, running from, God?  Are you holding tight to what God has commanded you to give up?

Why do you think He wants you to give it up?  Ultimately it is to bless someone else….and you.

Intentionally, today……and every day….give up the hash browns!


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Be Mindful

He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”  Matthew 26:39


“No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.”  Jay AsherAuthor

Coasting up I95 yesterday, we were driving back from spring break/Easter vacation in Florida.  We were making good time and then we ran into traffic.  It is interesting how we complain and get irritated for everyone else being on the road when we want to get some place.  Did it ever occur to us that we are one of the culprits that is making up the “traffic”?

You and I are interdependent.  In our in independent living we affect each other’s life.  We point out how others are affecting ours.  If only they would get out of the way or stop doing whatever it is that they are doing.

Did it ever occur to you that you too are having an effect?

Do you ever contentiously consider that your words, actions and decisions are impacting others around you, not just vice versa?

Too many times it’s easier to shrug our shoulders and say oh well, and move on, regardless of how it may affect another.

We can change the world around us by intentionally changing one action a day, one word, one decision – by making it for someone else’s advantage, benefit, well being, instead of for ours.

If we CHOOSE to do this, deliberately put into action each day, and care more about someone else – are we not conforming into the image of Christ – which God desired?  Consider how powerful Jesus became when He was obedient to the Father and served others.

You create this habit – you will do more than bless those around you.  It will indelibly change you the better.  More fulfilled.  More enriched.

Be Transformed

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”

― Jackie Robinson

Intentionally, today…. and everyday….be mindful of other’s and the impact you have on them

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Truth Perspective

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  –Mark 9:23


There was a man who was a shoe salesman in New York City and he was doing really well with his business.  So he decided to branch out and open a factory in a small village in Africa.  He sent all his developers and engineers over there and everything was going as scheduled.  One day the shoe salesman wanted to see how the factory was doing and set out for Africa.  He arrived in Africa and set out for the village.  When he arrived he noticed that nobody in the village wore shoes.  Stunned, the man called back to New York City and stated, “You’re never going to believe this, nobody around here wears shoes.  Cancel the order!!!” 


Another man who was a shoe salesman in Los Angeles decided to branch out and open a factory in a small village in South America.  He sent all his developers and engineers over there and everything was going as scheduled.  One day the shoe salesman wanted to see how the factory was doing and set out for South America.  He arrived in South America and set out for the village.  When he arrived he noticed that nobody in the village wore shoes.  Stunned, the man called back to Los Angeles and stated, “You’re never going to believe this, nobody around here wears shoes.  Double the order!!!”


The point is that both shoe salesmen saw the same thing, which nobody was wearing shoes, but they had different reactions.  One saw it as a catastrophe and the other saw it as an opportunity.  It is all up to you.


How do we get the mindset of the man who saw the opportunity?

We have to condition our mind into believing.

How do we do that?

The same way we condition our mind and our spirit.

We create a lifestyle by developing habits.

Habits that will draw us to positive people.

Surround ourselves with those who are positive and encouraging.

Reading about improbable success stories.

The Bible is full of them. 

Decide to become a reader of the Bible. 

Read other books on success stories.

Make a decision to read about those who overcame through belief.


Expose yourself to that which will draw your mind to believe!


Be transformed by the renewing of your mind! 

LIVE the TRUTH Perspective!


Intentionally, today……and every day…. Believe!

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