Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world. – John 16:33

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13

I look to the hills- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord my God, maker of heaven and earth. –  Psalm 121:1

The problem is not that there are problems.  The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is the problem. – Theodore Rubin, psychiatrist and author

It is not that you have peaks and valleys; it’s that you have railroad tracks.  You constantly have good and bad things going on in life.

I had a woman that manned our front desk for our business.  She took all the phone calls and was the first to greet each customer that would walk in.  She would get my attention on the phone or come into my office with dread in her look/voice.  “Matt, we have a problem.”  She always had a voice and look of doomsday.


I finally told her that she wasn’t allowed anymore to use the word “problem.”  She would have to use the word “challenge.”  Challenge sounded so much more doable.  It made it seem like competition and we were prepared to go at it.  It had a psychological effect on her.  She now knew that “challenges” were inevitable, but that we had the resourcefulness and skill to bring a solution.  It emboldened her.


Problems are challenges

Challenges are opportunities

Opportunity to discover the arsenal within you to stand and deliver.


I truly believe and have seen in my own life that when we look at stuff happening in life as challenges/opportunities instead of problems we are more empowered to find a solution.

To be transformed by the renewing of your mind is to respond with faith to situations arise believing and knowing that you are an over comer!

So, today when the challenge comes your way rub your hands together, nod your head and say “we got this!”


Intentionally, today….and everyday…face your challenges as opportunities

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