Monthly Archives: July 2022

Walk in Victory

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives.  It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.  God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.

 2 Timothy 3:16-17


All scripture – teach us – correct us- to prepare and equip


Almost sounds like you’re getting set to go to war.  Well, it’s because you are.  Every day.

In sports, athletes want a coach who will game plan and position the individual, and the team as a whole, into the best strategy to win the game. So too, in the game of life.

Our biggest obstacle isn’t that we don’t want victory in our lives – it’s that we don’t want to make lifestyle changes we have that contradict God’s will and desire for us to live.

One way we won’t have to be conscientious that the Bible is teaching us what is wrong in our lives is by ignoring the Bible.

Someone can step of a cliff, ignoring gravity; unfortunately ignoring it and its application, doesn’t make gravity not exist and the consequences of it not fully felt.

Are you willing to be teachable AND correctable?  Which means changes that your mind and flesh will fight you on.

Very Important! – Regardless of how you feel, they do not have any authority over you than what you will allow.

You are not obligated to do what your sinful nature urges you to do – Romans 12:8


Allowing The Word to have authority over you is a paradigm shift in the world we live in.  But it is a lifestyle change that will allow you to do every good work that God has assigned to you in your life time.

 Intentionally, today….and everyday …… get prepared, be equipped ……to walk in victory

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Crazy Incredible!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1

Everything was created through Him (Jesus) and for Him. – Colossians 1:16

He holds all creation together. – Colossians 1:17

There are some 300 billion stars in our galaxy.  There are over 100 billion galaxies that science knows of.

The Sun is a star in our galaxy.  By far not the biggest.  However, almost 1 million Earth’s can fit in the sun.  The sun’s rays take 8 minutes to reach earth.  Light travels 186,000 miles per second. You do the math. Some 93 million miles away.  One of the stars in our galaxy is Canus Majoris.  It is 2.7 quadrillion the size of Earth. Think of it this way – If earth were the size of a golf ball the diameter of this star would be 6 miles long.  Roughly from the base to the peak of Mount Everest.  You could fill the land mass of Texas with golf balls……22” deep.

There is a black hole that scientists have found that dwarfs this star. It would take years to travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) to get across it.  They say it has no backside to it and stars and such are continually being spewed out of it.

It is in the shape of a CROSS.

The smallest individual thing found in the body, under the most powerful microscope is a protein called Laminin.  Laminin holds all cells together in the body. It is in the shape of the CROSS.

The biggest known and the smallest known.

God is so great, so phenomenal as creator we cannot even have one iota of understanding of the magnitude of the power of God.  He is beyond awesome.

He is big enough to handle everything in your life.  Let Him.

He is also the most intimate to you; closest to you.  He holds you together!  Literally and figuratively!

We need to stop looking to everything in His creation for answers; for joy, for peace, understanding, love, provisions, healing, identity, forgiveness.  WE HAVE HIM.

How great thou art!

There is no God but Him!

Go to Him, speak to Him, Surrender to Him, Find rest in Him, Learn of Him – all day long.

(Google/Youtube – Lou Giglio Laminin – and watch his incredible video on “if earth were the size of a golf ball” – It is awesome!)

Intentionally, today……and every day…. rejoice in your creator and your best, most intimate, friend.

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Lay aside every weight that slows us down, every sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. – Hebrews 12:1

An expert mountain climber was asked, “What is the biggest obstacle in climbing a mountain; the biggest hindrance in keeping you from reaching the summit?”

Was it a giant storm that would roll in?  How about an avalanche or insane freezing temperatures?  Fatigue, exhaustion?  Equipment failure?

Without hesitation he answered, “The smallest of pebbles.”

Come again?  Did he say….a small pebble?

This man went on to talk about the tiny pebble that gets in a climbers shoe.  Being so small it really is a slight annoyance at first.  The climber doesn’t want to stop to take off and back on his boot for a little pebble.

Now if it were a big storm coming or an avalanche they would have to immediately take action.  But, a tiny nuisance of a pebble?

The expert climber explained, “The tiny pebble would shift around in the boot that you wouldn’t feel it so you wouldn’t pay it any mind.  After a while, though, the pebble would become abrasive with the pushing and stepping of the foot.  The pebble would begin to scratch the surface of the bottom of the foot and begin to enflame.  It would be forced to cut the skin and open up the foot, as tiny as the pebble was.  It let the foot be open for infection. The infection would take and spread. Pain would set in.  By that point the climber can’t go any farther.”

We can so quickly identify the “big” sins in our lives.  The ones we know will bring about the harshest of consequences if we don’t turn from them.  We can become disciplined to lay aside that which we see is affecting ourselves and those around us. As you grow in your faith and obedience those are many that the enemy can no longer use on you.

However, as you climb higher that mountain, closer to the summit the enemy gets cleverer, crafty in his ways to stop you.

If you stop and ponder; if you’re honest with yourself – you can acknowledge pebble (s) in your shoes that you have become immune to; that you have been able to ignore.  Because of this, you have been duped in believing you can continue to climb to the mountaintops that God desires for you to obtain without removing the pebble(s).

It might not be sin in anyone else’s eyes but you know God has not willed it for your life; you specifically.  It may be a vice of some kind, a numbing tool for you. A crutch. A lie you allow to stand. An excuse that is convenient for you. Laziness. An attitude.

I don’t know….you and God do.

Why anymore will you allow a pebble keep you from standing atop of the boulder in awesome victory?

Don’t settle anymore.

Don’t be fooled in thinking you need that pebble in your shoe anymore

Intentionally, today…..and everyday…… stop and discard the pebble before it does real damage, and get a climbing!

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Surrender It

As instructed to by the Lord during a drought Elijah went to eat at a widow’s home. Elijah asked the woman, “Would you please bring me a little water in a cup?  And a piece of bread too.”

But she said, “I swear by the Lord your God that I don’t have a single piece of bread in the house.  And I only have a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil.  I was going to cook the last meal before my son and I die.”

But Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid!  Go ahead and prepare the meal.  For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: There will always be flour and olive oil left in these containers.” – 1 Kings 17:10-13


A severe drought, and God orders Elijah to get food from a widow who has nothing….as far as she can see.

Elijah saw it one way and the lady saw it another.

This wasn’t the glass half empty/ full.  This is – there isn’t even a glass.

Why would God have him go to this widow in the middle of the drought?

Through faith she will be tested….rewarded.

You either focus on the limitless supply of God or you focus on what you perceive to lack.

Faith can be difficult.  But it is required.  It is honored by God.

Where is God asking for something (through someone, something) that you are holding your scarcity close to the chest?

As Elijah tells the widow, so to us also – “DON’T BE AFRAID!”

Trust God and let go, and let Him.

Fix your mind on His Word.

My God shall provide all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus –Philippians 4:19


God wants to take you to a higher plane.  In so doing your faith will be stretched.  He will show Himself not only faithful, but greater and bigger than you have ever seen Him as.

Figuratively, it’s like you are holding on tight and afraid to let go of your last dollar. God won’t pry it from your hands.  But when you faithfully let go he’ll put a $100 in your palm.

Can it be money?  Well, yes; but so much more.  So many aspects of your life that the tank may seem it’s on empty. Could be physically, spiritually, mentally, financially where God is telling you to surrender it. To let go.   You, though, can’t see any relief and surely can’t give up the little you have.

Allow God to show off His goodness.

It takes a leap of faith.

Let go, Let God.

Intentionally, today…..and every day…….surrender it

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Add Flavor

You are the salt of the earth – Matthew 5:13


The chemical company BASF has an advertisement tagline that says – “We don’t make a lot of the products you buy.  We make a lot of the products you buy….. better.”


It isn’t you changing someone.  It’s adding to, blessing, enriching their lives.

They accentuate.  Make a litter brighter, fresher, sharper.

Salt adds flavor.  Too much salt ruins. A little salt accentuates the taste.


Jesus says me, you, all that confess Him, are to add to the life of others.


First, whether you feel you are or not.  Whether you believe you are or not….YOU are.




Intentionally lift up, encourage, compliment people today every chance you can get.

Intentionally yield and allow someone else.

Intentionally show an attitude of gratitude to others today.

Intentionally encourage others

Intentionally smile and give approval of something someone is trying to do.

Intentionally come along side someone today and give them positive reinforcement.

Intentionally help others out; assist them

Intentionally listen and let it be about them and not you.

Intentionally point out the good in others


You may be the only grain of salt that comes out of the shaker for someone today.


And in turn it may be YOU, who gets the greatest blessing out of it.

Remember – Intentional/deliberate become habits.  Habits influence your behavior and your perspective. You will be adding salt to yourself. 

Conform no longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. – Romans 12:2

The incredible positive effects it will have on you; mind, body and spirit is limitless. It was so transforming to Saul he even had a name change.

We naturally look for how we can have it better.  Well, first, make it better for someone else.


 Intentionally, today…..and everyday…… add flavor

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Paddle Upstream

Therefore, I will always remind you about these things-even though you already know them and are standing firm in the truth you have been taught.  And it is only right that I should keep on reminding you as long as you live. – 2 Peter 1:12-13

 When you walk out the door to begin your day you do not need to grab a paddle and start rowing.   It doesn’t take any work to flow downstream.  “Flow” is what you will naturally do.  Flow into the cesspool of mediocrity that rationalizes and justifies being less than you are.

No, in order for you to live in excellence of the God who created you, you must intentionally, daily, grab your paddle and row without ceasing against the current; going upstream.

You have been consecrated for God’s service – Exodus 32:29


Every day we need a reminder that we have been set apart to be an example, inspiration, motivation, challenge – for someone who is watching.

You have to be mindful.  You must be thoughtful.  You have to mind your thoughts.   Don’t let them slip to the numbing mediocre selfish, self serving ways of the flesh.


In the scripture above we have to know what is “there” for.  It is there – for you to be reminded that God has called and chosen you.  That it is His divine power (2 Peter 1:3) that you can paddle upstream energized and confident.

Be reminded today –

You are already victorious.

You are a champion for Christ

You have power to encourage and challenge others

You can interrupt someone’s negativity with something encouraging and uplifting.


And this, in turn, you are to remind others.

As iron sharpens iron, so shall one friend sharpen the countenance of another. – Proverbs 27:17

 Intentionally, today…..and everyday…… Paddle upstream

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Suffer Through

So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourself with the same attitude He had, and be ready to suffer, too. – 1 Peter 3:11

Pain lets you know that you are alive

Suffering comes in all kinds of flavors.  Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, financial, relational, psychological

I do not like pain, in any flavor.  Pain brings unwanted suffering.  But it is inevitable in life no matter how much we might try to build a utopia force field around ourselves.

Sin has brought suffering into this world.  No getting around it.  But through suffering God can open your heart, mind and soul to something so much stronger than any momentary suffering; His presence.

His presence in and through you to lean on Him; to depend fully on Him.

His presence in and through you to persevere.

His presence in and through you to overcome suffering

Suffering for me is one where the enemy tries to bury me.  He uses it to get me to doubt, get depressed and discouraged.  And get pissed and yell and demand in frustration for God to do something.  And He always does.

God has used it to get me up and going; to accept it and strive in spite of it.  It is hard.  It can suck. But in suffering you are forced to make a decision.  An intentional decision to have an attitude of moving onward; go forward with grit and determination.  To not stop, to keep climbing, keep moving.  And it is His undeniable presence that you know enables you to excel through.  You shake your head and smile and acknowledge how awesome God is and how empowered you really are.

We do this by keeping our eye on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.  Because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross, despised shame.  And now sits at the right hand of God the Father.

Think of all hostility He endured from sinful people, then you won’t become weary and give up. – Hebrews 12:2-3

It is getting through the suffering that we can experience HIS reward.

Intentionally Today……and every day…suffer through it

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In Step With Him

Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not.  Galatians 6:9


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.  Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

  -Helen Keller

Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity a greater.  –William Hazlitt


Faced with enduring difficulty, is your tendency to throw up your hands and push away your project?  Or, to pause – evaluate the process- adapt your methods to be more efficient and effective?

In the pause, pray.  Not telling God what you need for Him to do but ask for wisdom, clarity and insight.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it you.  –James 1:5

In trying to attain excellence, in our doing, we will have to go beyond our own capacity.  We need God’s guidance to navigate us through our projects, assignments, tests and experiences.

It is learning to discern from God as we are moving forward, using the gifts and the mind He has blessed us with.  Learning is a process.  Mostly it is learning to be quicker to be aware to pause and ask.  Especially, before you even get started on any endeavor, small or big.  They are all significant.

Intentionally, today…..and everyday……let God come alongside all your endeavors

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