A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. – Proverbs 15:1

Be quick to listen, slow to talk and slow to grow angry. – James 1:19

It isn’t so much what we say as how we say it.

It isn’t so much what we say as when we say it.


I see the affect pausing and speaking in a controlled response to another when observing my wife with an obstinate daughter.

When you control you, you control the atmosphere. 

It is permitting you to be empowered by allowing clarity to come into focus. It’s from starting the day asking for wisdom, discernment and clarity.


Avoid reacting, but respond. 

Reacting is being controlled by another.  Responding is being under control.

One is a thermometer.  The other is a thermostat.

One adds to turmoil and strife.  One exposes it and extinguishes.


What I have discerned from examining and putting these scriptures to memory is that it has a favorable impact on encounters and interactions.

Your thermostat will bring down their hot thermometer.

Killing them with kindness is softening them through kindness.  It forces the other person to be cognizant that you are being respectful in your response; in your lack of reaction.

Remember, your battle’s are not against flesh and blood enemies, it’s spiritual.  So, battle in the spiritual and not against persons in the flesh.


It is a great lesson when I see a recalcitrant daughter heated and angry steadily brought down to a simmer by my wife’s steady demeanor accompanied by a gentle tone.  She doesn’t give in or compromise but in her so doing the real issue is separated from the drama and emotion that does not get fuel it craves.

 When we are able to diffuse our ego, our emotions, we are able to get clarity which brings efficiency in making progress for reconciliation, restoration, peace, infusing what the other person needs to hear; whatever needs to truly be accomplished in the situation.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

Intentionally, today….and everyday… influence the atmosphere by setting your thermostat

Live Intentional – Today

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